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MATLAB Face Recognition: online recorded webinar

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March 17 took place on webinar on Face Recognition with MATLAB.


Face recognition is a method that allows the identification of persons in images or videos by comparing the appearance of faces with images in a database.
CLe applications that use facial recognition are many and vary from applications security and surveillance, biometric identification for secure access, web applications on social networking sites, etc.

In this webinar you will discover how to use the Computer System Toolbox and machine learning techniques to recognize faces in images and videos.
Among the topics covered:

  • Facial recognition (of small quantities of images) with methods of feature extraction.
  • Extension of the algorithm of face recognition for the use of large databases.
  • Facial chec, algorithms to determine if two face images belong to the same person.

Who is already user of MATLAB will learn how to use features for pattern classification, regression data, feature extraction, recognition and face detection.


Giuseppe Ridinò, Application Engineer MathWorks, deals with the technical aspects of Signal Processing and Communication, in particular image processing / videos, computer vision and HDL code generation.
Before joining MathWorks in 2014, has accumulated experience on the application of MATLAB® and Simulink® in various industries for the modeling and simulation of complex systems.
Expert in numerical computing, software development, and physical-mathematical modeling, holds a degree in Electronic Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin.


  • Computer Vision System Toolbox
  • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

To access the recorded contents, just connect to the webinar page of Face Recognition in MATLAB.

Source: it.mathworks.com
Header image credits: letstalkpayments.com